Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Movie Monday.

Fusserina and I are having a quite excellent day! A week ago, I would have not thought this was possible. We were able to be dressed and showered by 9ish, which meant that we could go to a theater in San Clemente that does Mommy Movie Mondays - early shows where they encourage you to bring your nugget. Except... when I got there it was just a regular showing of Burlesque, with non-babied patrons also attending, and only three babies in the audience. Thankfully, all of the babies were pretty well behaved. Ellie only cried during the cheesy love scene. Also, one of the other mommies also attends the Mommy Matters group on Friday, so I had a friend there! That was exciting. Afterwards, we all went out for a quick lunch. Ellie cried - her daughter slept. LUCKY. But it's okay, I can eat tacos using only one hand.

It felt so nice to be doing regular grown up stuff. Going to a movie! Having lunch! Having a conversation with a new pal! Ellie fell asleep once we hit the car, so we stopped by Auntie Sara's store to get some more baby beano and say hello. And then Ellie got a nice bath and some lunch before hanging out with Grams.

Oops, now she is awake and ready to eat again, so I must go, but not before presenting you with this picture, inspired by Auntie Sara. I call it "how do you like my new haaaair?"

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