Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Six Months!

She's a big sitting up girl!

Amongst other things, she has started babbling in the past few days. She's sitting up better every day, though we're not making much progress towards reliably rolling over. She's happy as a clam to hang out in her exersaucer for hours... err... minutes at a time, and can actually turn herself around in it to investigate what each of her items is up to. She's also finally gotten to a place where she'll amuse herself with her toys in the car, rather than just screaming the entire drive. Her favorite game is sticking her fingers in my mouth so that I can pretend to eat them loudly, and she's also started reaching for me. I am, of course, her favorite person in the entire universe.

We gave her some avocado to eat tonight. It went poorly. Most of it was spit out, and she looked angry at us for even insinuating that she would enjoy it. Elizabeth perplexes me. I never would have imagined that my child would turn down a meal. I am beginning to believe that maybe she's not mine. I mean, I didn't technically see them remove her from my abdomen - they just held her up over the curtain. Something to wonder about, I guess.

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