Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's a Jungle Out There.

As you well know, Tim and I are pretty bad at keeping up with the yard work. We're terrible in fact, and our backyard looks like an overgrown mess most of the time (the front yard looks better because mom takes care of it, because she is awesome.)

But sometimes, even we admit that it's gotten to be too much, so yesterday while I was on a walk with the baby, Tim mowed the lawn. It took much less time than the last yard work day, mostly because he didn't have to rake up 500 pounds of leaves dropped by the neighbor's trees.

And speaking of the neighbor's trees, since we've moved in they've mentioned letting us know if the branches get too overgrown. Well, two years after moved in, it got to be too much. Some of the top branches were coming for our roof, and the low branches were touching the ground. Yesterday he sent someone over to clean it up. Since we were on our way out to Yorba Linda, we didn't stay to supervise the work. Boy, did we have a surprise when we got home:

Holy buckets! I did not expect that level of trimming. And to be fair, we knew the guy wasn't going to get the job finished yesterday. It's not like he intentionally left all of the wood chippings and ran away. I just didn't expect it'd be so much. At this rate, it'll be another two years before we have any trimming to do! Which of course, is fine with our lazy butts.

This morning, after a semi-decent night, Ellie started fussing at 7, after last being up and eating at 6. That's the worst. Tim, because he is an angel, said he would get up and entertain her so that I could sleep for another hour, until she next needed to eat. I woke up at 9... NINE! and the house was silent. I was half wondering if he'd smothered her. I got up and peeked into the nursery, and the two of them were sacked out on the queen bed. A little cosleeping never hurt anyone, and now we're all rested for a fun day of visiting with Grandma Rosie, going to the Special Olympics Gala, and being babysat by Grandma and Grandpa.

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