Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of July.

As is well documented, the Fourth of July is just simply not as fun if we're not in Wisconsin, but we made the best of it! We decided to have friends over to BBQ and hang out, and it was great! Lots of food, lots of good friends, and the evening got cool enough that we could sit comfortably outside. Plus on my way home from a trip to the gym yesterday I trashed picked some perfectly good plastic chairs, so we had seating for everyone. Plus I made this awesome strawberry pie.

The only bummer was Ellie touching the hot end of her sparkler. She'd been having a great time with her sparkler up until then, but it was over at that point. It's a tiny mark and nothing to be worried about, but it was past her bed time and she'd had a crappy nap, so there was a larger melt down than expected. Thankfully after some whipped cream and a band aid, she went to bed easily and woke up feeling fine.

Adam was a dream during the party, sitting with our friends and sleeping in the Moby wrap. We got our first genuine giggle out of him this week (choppy video below. I cannot wait to get a new phone so my cell phone camera isn't such a piece of junk.)

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