Friday, December 17, 2010


I never thought my life would revolve around whether or not my baby had the farts, but somehow it does. Yesterday Ellie was a regular natural gas refinery and I'd get her fed, put to sleep and then a half hour later, she'd wake up crying. I'd give her a minute to see if she was going to go back to sleep but then had to get her when she started really hollering. It seemed like within seconds of picking her up she'd either burp in my face or fart on me. And then she'd be awake for another hour or so. We never should have nicknamed her Beanie!

She was pretty tired and stressed by bedtime, the poor little tooter. Today has been much better - she took a fat nap after breakfast (I was able to shower, brush my teeth AND put on makeup in one fell swoop) and then after mommy class she ate and knocked back out. The nurse at mommy class said it's just part of growing up and growing into a regular human being, and it's very unlikely to be something in my diet. So, more beer and cheese for me. .,p[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[;;;;;;;;['

That last part is Thor, stomping the keyboard. He is such a love. The cats have figured out that if I go into the bathroom I am usually by myself and have my hands free, and they race in to get some pets while they can. They are both pretty good with the baby. Today Lu was trying to get up on the boppy again while I was nursing, and when I told her that she needed to give me a minute, she started grooming Elizabeth's hair instead. Thanks Lu, but I can bathe my own kitten (sadly, right before bath time yesterday Elizabeth peed all over Auntie Sara. It's a good thing Auntie Sara loves her!)

How could you not love this face?

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