Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Outfit #1

Elizabeth has, at last count, six different Christmas outfits. Yes, six. None of them purchased by me, for reference (okay, I did buy her a little turtleneck thing to wear underneath my first Christmas dress, which I am lending her.) She can't help being the most fabulous little lady!

She wore her first holiday-themed outfit today to mom's Gardening Angels holiday party. And after two days of being a miserable little fuss, she was a complete darling at the party. One might even say that she was an angel! She was bright eyed and bushy tailed when we arrived, saying hi to all of the ladies, and then she fell asleep for Janet and woke up to smile at Tia Tillie when she got hungry. Then she napped on Jill for awhile as the party was winding down, and now she's sleeping in her swing while Tim and I have dinner. It's so nice to have her nap a little in the evenings. For the first time in probably two weeks we have time at night where neither of us are holding a screaming or nursing child.

Here she is in her fancy footies! The outfit did come with a matching hat, but I thought the headband was a fun choice, to show off how great her hair is.

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