Sunday, November 25, 2012

Camera One, Camera Two.

Ellie's first Christmas, our present to ourselves was a big fancy camera. But I still keep our little camera in my diaper bag, just to have for every day moments. I don't often take it out of the bag, and I even less frequently remember to upload the photos. But I did this morning, so here's a few weeks of cuteness that have been stored away.

A few cute pictures from when Gigi took Ellie to the beach during my recent bout of flu

Coffee date with mommy!

Another shot from the carousel the other day

Yesterday we had a lovely family morning in San Juan. Tim took Ellie to the petting zoo to see all the bund-dies and binny pigs, and I went and had a coffee and antique shopped and relaxed a little. Then we met up for lunch at El Maguey, and ended up running into Bob and Tillie, who were only too happy to join us for a second meal in less than a week. Such a nice time!

Ellie loved all of the wabbits at the petting zoo, but the best photos were of her and a stone statue.
He's a nice friend to have!

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