Sunday, June 1, 2014

Weekend Warriors

What a nice week-end and weekend we've had! Thursday evening there was a Tip a Cop fundraiser for Special Olympics at the Irvine Spectrum. A bunch of restaurants were participating, from high end to family friendly, and they had lots of police out in uniform, with the paddy wagon, a couple of motorcycles, and a police dog in training. There's a lot to see and do, in addition to getting a good meal. We met up with Tim to have Ruby's, and Ellie happily ordered a grilled cheese, a milk and some fruit, and behaved well enough to earn herself a milk shake at the end. She was so happy to be wandering around the Spectrum - petting dogs, riding the CHiPs motorcycle, and dancing to the music that they play. On our walk back to the car, she begged to go on the ferris wheel (the carousel is still broken, but she's resigned to it now) and so we went. Sadly, it was sort of hazy so no beautiful views, but she had a fun time snuggling with her daddy. And Adam had a fun time waving my Costco card around (they won't let you hold a baby in your lap, so he had to be strapped in.)

Friday Ellie was horribly bored, because we did nothing until we went over to Gigi and Grizz's for dinner. No friends over, no errands to run. She found our house very boring, which it sort of is. Thankfully, she got to paddle around in Gigi's pool and then have pizza and ice cream with Grizz.

Yesterday morning we headed down to Crystal Cove to celebrate Mimi's birthday with the family - it was a big birthday (30!) and we were ready for a good time. Ellie was SO EXCITED about going to the ocean. I let her splash a little before we were seated at the restaurant and then she managed to sit nicely through the meal, but the second her plate was clear of pancakes, she was ready to go. Oh man, she is just the cutest little thing. She loved running around at the edge of the water, chasing the waves. She loved having me take her out to where the waves were breaking, and laughed so hard any time her face got splashed, happily spitting and yelling "don't get in my mouth, ocean!" We got knocked over once, and when I pulled her back up, she continued as if nothing had happened. Then I carried her back up to the car on my back, so that she wouldn't get the stroller or the ergo soaked and sandy. Adam enjoyed the beach too, just shoveling and wandering around, and dipping his toes in at the end. Another little water bug on our hands!

After everyone took a nice nap, we decided that it was time to get Adam's first hair cut. I've been going back and forth on it for weeks, but Tim needed a hair cut pretty badly, so I figured we should kill two mullets with one stone. My friend had recommended a nearby barber shop, so we headed out and hacked away at all of Adam's hair. He did pretty well during the appointment, though the guy cutting his hair was a little nervous about it all. I simultaneously think that Adam looks a million times cuter, and regret having done it because he looks so grown up.

This is probably the first of many father and son trips to the barber shop

This morning we headed down to Lake Mission Viejo to watch Jake cross the finish line at the Orange County triathlon. Yay Uncle Jake! Again, Ellie had some nice dogs to pet, and some nice grandparents to run around with. Poor Adam fell asleep on the way home, in the ergo, on my back. Piggy backs for everyone!

And this afternoon we're having friends over for brats! Such a fun life.

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