Sunday, October 2, 2011


While our little lady may have some red highlights in her hair that cause strangers to ask if she's Irish, it's important to remember that have of her heritage is solidly German (hence her cankles.) Yesterday Ellie got a chance to celebrate her Teutonic heritage at the St. Martins Oktoberfest with Grandma. Tim has fond memories of Oktoberfests from years past, but I've never been. We had a great time, even though Ellie is still too small for the majority of the rides and food items. After we indulged in some funnel cakes and brats, Grandma took us on the carousel and the ferris wheel. Ellie loved both! (though it did take her a second to warm up to all of it.)

I guess in olden times, they used to take blown out eggshells and fill them with confetti, and then middle schoolers could throw the eggs at one another in some ancient Catholic flirting ritual. Now they just fill little cups with the confetti - I thought it was still fun to toss one at Tim while he was imbibing in the beer tent. Elizabeth was also amused.

Here are some of the cute pictures from our adventures!

I think Tim looks good in leiderhosen.

Happy girl on her noble steed

Snuggling with Grandma on the ferris wheel

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