Sunday, September 18, 2016

Butterfly Time.

Another busy weekend in the books! The kids are pooped, and are down before 8pm tonight. They were so tired that I ended up giving them a bath before dinner, just to get clean and calmed down a little (usually they shower, and it's a mad house. Tonight, soothing warm bath for babies, and then Adam snuggled with me in the rocking chair, all swaddled up in his towel.)

On Friday, Sara and Gigi went to Target as mom's outing for the day, where they picked up these beautiful babies, for a grand total of twenty bucks:

There is very little that Adam loves more than a Tiger Swallowtail (I think he likes the trash truck more, and maybe Lamby) and Ellie was happy to be a monarch along side of him. They've been very darling this weekend, running around and flapping their wings, and have pulled out our pocket butterfly guide and our favorite out of print book Butterfly Time so that they can look at themselves. They also love the tags that came on their capes, and have been carrying their treasured "butterfly notes" with them as well.

It's utter lunacy, but so darling. Adam now says that he wants to be a butterfly for Thanksgiving. Ellie is still set on being Rapunzel, with the costume she's sure Mimi is buying for her.

Today we had Mimi and Poppy and Jake over for lunch, which was really fun and relaxed. Tried to get Jake to show Ellie how to ride a two wheeler, but she's not even really getting the concept of putting her feet down - she basically tries to jump clear of the bike if it tips, so I think we have a way to go.

Then it was down to Oceanside for Nina and Thalia's fifth birthday party (on their actual birthday!) Ellie was very into the fact that they were all five together, but that she was still older. She was also really into Cora, her new baby cousin:

Adam was pretty enamored too. It's always fun to see all of the kids in their big, happy scrum together. even though we had to leave when Adam had a tearful, screaming melt down. Sometimes the best you can do is a quiet nap in the car, a nice bath, and an early bed time.

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