Monday, July 27, 2015

Cheetah Girls Strike Again.

Such a fun weekend with our Olivia Fig Newton Jane. There was tons and tons of swimming (Ellie was in the water so much that she didn't get an actual bath or shower between Thursday and Sunday night.)

It's darling to see the cousins together. Last night we brought over a bag of clothes that Ellie's outgrown, one of which is the cheetah print dress that Olivia is wearing (Ellie wore it when she was a cat for Halloween.) Well, showing that dress to Olivia reminded Gigi that she had a NEW cheetah dress for Ellie, so the girls instantly had to change and match. Even though Olivia doesn't say a lot, you could tell that she was excited to dress up like her big cousin. Bonus: both dresses were a little too hot for the weather, so the girls were matching dresses and matching sweat hogs. Adam isn't crying because he got left out - he's crying because he dumped out his bubbles earlier in the day. Which is actually the second bottle of bubbles he dumped over the weekend. So careless with his soapy water! Ellie was amazed today to learn that when I outgrew my clothes, Sara and Kate used to wear them. It's the circle of life!

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