Wednesday, March 26, 2014

First Birthday Party!

Oh hello blog readers, look at who's a whole year old?

This is what the poor tired little snookie was doing at 12:49, when he actually turned one. And then he still stayed awake the whole car ride home, just to be contrary. He'll do that!

Because it was Taco Tuesday, and because Adam loves seasoned meat products, we had a little taco bar set up with some carne asada and Korean-style beef from Trader Joes, beans, cowboy caviar and salad for everyone to serve up. Mom brought ingredients for Moscow Mules for the adults (hee haw!) and I made an angel food cake for dessert, and with all of the egg yolks leftover, made some lemon curd. There was even enough for favors!

So I brought his cake over to his tray while we were singing, and when he went for the flame I moved his hand away.

And this happened.
Happy birthday kid! Happy, happy birthday. There were also two cans of whipped cream (one for Grizz and the kids, one for people who don't want to squirt it directly into their mouths.) Your standard family birthday party around here.

Ellie happily opened all of his presents for him, but did allow him to look at some of them and lick them.

The poor kiddo was so tired. He ended the night comforting himself the only way he knows how - sucking his thumb, with a finger up his nose.

But still, we were able to put together a good dance party.

Because if your party doesn't end with a dance party... your party is LAME.

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