Monday, July 30, 2012

Seven Year Itch.

Today is my and Tim's seventh holy weddiversary. No itches here, just a lot of love. He is such an amazing husband and an even better dad (which makes him an even better husband, because goodness knows, I need a lot of support in the parenting department.)

To celebrate, we went out to Le H'irondelle on Saturday night. It is our favorite place ever, and it's so nice to just sit and eat... and eat and eat and eat until we can barely walk! Mom had purchased me a new dress for my birthday and so I got to wear it out (and I didn't spill anything on it, which is the real victory) and the food was amazing, as always.

Even better was the fact that Mimi and Pa took Ellie for the night. I thought about getting Tim and I a hotel room, but the truth is, our bed is the most comfortable bed in all the land, and it was SO nice to come home, snuggle up with our own pillows and fancy sheets. It was even better to sleep without the baby monitor and lay around in the morning without a certain small someone jamming her face into mine and demanding breakfast.

We didn't even do anything super exciting, but it was wonderful just to laze around. And I know I'm supposed to say that I missed Elizabeth to death and was desperate to get back to her, but she has been a huge whiny machine lately, so she's not always that fun to hang out with. Spending time with a screamy toddler is somehow, just not as appealing as sitting on my butt watching Olympic cycling while also cutting pictures of beautiful dresses out of magazines. Truth story.

But Elizabeth had a great time with her grandparents, going swimming, riding her bike, making them walk around and around the house pulling a pull toy with a too-short string. And then this morning after our walk, I made her come with me to a house in the neighborhood with great sunflowers out front. It's true, I am turning into my mom.

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