Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Paper Roses.

I got the sweetest gift today, from my Chicago-based bestie Becca. She made me an enormous paper chain to countdown from my first Mother's Day until Baby Sequins' due date. She even included extra strips in case Sequins goes overdue (which I have to be honest, I don't think she will do. I feel like with my small stature, and the hugeness of Tim and I at birth, the doctor won't be letting me go much overdue.)

Anyways, HOW SWEET IS THAT? It's the cutest present, and I look forward to counting down every day. She also said that if I felt like it, I could use the paper pieces to write down a memory from each day when I tear it off at night, which I think is a nice idea. Becca is so cute. Plus, the kitties are super excited for the box it came in.

Baby Sequins is going to be one lucky little girl - beside her Aunt Sara (who is going to be the absolute best) she's going to have lots of auntie friends to swoop in and love on her. I got to spend the weekend with two of my girlfriends, who are both leaving the area shortly to start new and exciting lives - one in Austin for an MBA program, one in San Francisco for a dermatology fellowship. But I got to spend Saturday night hanging out with them, and they got to see my wee belly while it lasted.

Dr. Pristine, me and my Annie

And of course, Lulu is already learning how to tuck a baby into bed. (note for skittish non-cat people: she is not in the baby's actual crib, she's hanging out in a doll bed, which has spent most of its 50 year lifespan being occupied by kitties. Or little toddler girls who climb into bed while tucking in their dollies.)

1 comment:

  1. That cat looks like she is practicing for the timeless art of sucking the life out of a sleeping infant.
