Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

I realized this morning that I seem to have an ultrasound on all of the fake, drinking-focused holidays. 12 week ultrasound on St. Patrick's Day, and then my 16 week ultrasound on Cinco De Mayo. No margaritas for me, but a beautiful baby!

Four weeks was a long time to go without seeing my little friend. It's easy to let myself get totally worried, especially because I haven't felt any of the fluttering yet (which they say is normal - first time moms may not feel the baby until 20 weeks!) Of course, my coworker Trena has already felt her baby kick AND she looks pregnant (whereas I look lumpy.) I am jealous, and tell her so often.

Anyways. Today was Eileen's first ultrasound. Since she had babies back in the dark ages, she was not given the option to see her offspring prior to them leaping out of her body. My doctor (who is a total wiseass) did a really good job taking time to show her (and me) all of the baby's arms and legs and activities. It's always wonderful to see the heartbeat. What more could you want?

Well, I wanted a picture. He was about to wipe the jelly off my belly and I said "hey! Where's my picture!" and he obliged by snapping a photo of Wolfie. Too bad Wolfie had his back to the camera, so you can't see his cute profile. But the important thing is, he's healthy, he's growing right on schedule, and as the doctor said "he's perfect." I can't WAIT to screw my perfect baby up with my subpar parenting!

I am pretty sure that the dark spot on his chest is his heart. You can see he has a nice head, and some arms and legs. It's so funny to look back at our first ultrasound - we were so impressed by Wolfie then, and really, he just looked like a smear on the camera. It's nice that Wolfie is turning into a real baby. He's the size of an avocado, which brings me back to my original point - have some beer with your chips and salsa tonight. Do it for me.

1 comment:

  1. How can we be sure that Eileen was actually pregnant with those boys unless we have photographs to prove it?
