Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It was not our best Valentines ever of all time. The molars are hurting Ellie, but they are killing me. I swear. I try to keep her comfortable and dosed with baby Advil. If only they had a mommy-patience drug that I could take (I think it's called rum? But perhaps not the best for afternoon usage.)

But we had a nice time hanging out with Grams and Grizz and Auntie Sara today, even though there were no naps. ONLY FUSSING. And then, running around like a crazy baby person. Also, eating the inside of an entire Baja taco by herself, and following that with a fairly hefty slice of meatloaf. So perhaps teeth plus growth spurt?

She does love her Auntie Sara though.

And her Auntie Sara's baby Rocky. Oh those kittens, always getting into trouble together!

Oh, and Grams and Grizz sure do love their kitten!

Blurry bonus: she was quiet in the kitchen the other day, and I came out and found her sitting at the stool I made in middle school shop class like it was an old fashioned desk. While shoving her string cheese into the outlet.

Just kidding on the last part!

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