Thursday, March 18, 2010

Medical Maladies.

Yesterday's problems: solved. Using dad's blood pressure cuff at home, I have had normal readings both this morning and this evening. A little high when I got home from work, but I just took it a few minutes ago after a solid hour of quiet couch time, and it was 116/66. So, better. I think my doctor will approve. My biggest fear is that being diagnosed with high blood pressure will cause him to ground me from flying. I have three weddings and an 80th birthday party to go before Wolfie's arrival!

Also, can I just say - having my thyroid dose adjusted is like a Christmas miracle? I feel like I've been trying to go through the day with a bellyful of NyQuil. Today is the first day in about three weeks that I've been able to stay awake for more than 10 hours straight, and where I haven't had to go sit on my hands or get a hot mug of tea in order to get blood flowing back into my frozen fingers. Better living through chemicals! I highly recommend. Even my coworkers noticed (to be exact, my boss asked me what I was "hopped up on.")

Even better - I found out our health insurance will pay for as many ultrasounds as my doctor recommends. Our previous insurance said they'd only pay for one per pregnancy, so it's nice to know that I can keep looking at the baby without having to worry about a huge bill at the end of all this, just so long as my doctor says it's necessary.

And that's your news for now. Well, that and the fact that Tim purchased his first avocado today for taco salad... and it was as hard as a rock. He has learned an important lesson about avocado ripeness. He joked, "I thought maybe you were buffing about wanting an avocado," to which I replied "I never bluff about avocados."

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