Friday, January 11, 2019


The return to routine has everyone worn out this week - we had gotten far too good at sleeping in far too late. Ellie was of course, thrilled to see her friends, Adam remains convinced that school is boring. Please witness this note that he wrote as part of a lesson:

"Hi Mom, I have to be at school for a long time." No kidding kid, but three hours isn't hardly long enough for me to catch up on everything!

Then yesterday he left the classroom bearing this last 'nugget' of holiday cheer. To make the Grinch Smile I Would "give him poop." Adam told me that the Grinch is gross, and that's why he gets poop. I know I'm supposed to admonish him, but I nearly fell over laughing.

Meanwhile, Ellie was reading aloud a book that features a female engineer at its center. There was some disaster going on and all the other engineers were frazzled, but the heroine, "she remained clam." And when Tim asked her if she meant "calm" she said "no, it says clam." Way to use context clues, kid!

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