Friday, January 5, 2018

New Year, Same Old Blog

Sorry for the lapse around here! We've had a good vacation. The kids finished up two weeks of camp at the YMCA, which has been a life saver. They have three hours of activity in the morning, then lunch and a nap, and we get a break and pay someone else to work as the cruise directors of their day. Plus it's either that, or I'd take them and dump them at the kidzone while I worked out.

Not that I did a ton of working out - instead I escaped to the beautiful snowy wilds of Chicago to spend almost a week with Becca, Brian and Benjy. We've been missing some best friend twin-talk time, and since Tim is home from work between Christmas and New Years, it seemed like the best time to go (for me.) Don't worry about Tim - he had the kids in camp every day, they hung out with their grandparents, and the 30th, 31st and 1st, he had parties with all of our friends.

Meanwhile, I froze to death and had to huddle under cats and small children to keep warm.

While I was freezing, Ellie was rocking this as her NYE outfit:
She is wearing little bike shorts under this outfit - after Tim sent me a picture in the morning and I had to tell him that tights aren't the same as wearing actual pants, and she need something to cover up her undies.

The only big hiccup they had during my absence was that Thor had a bladder infection (probably caused by the stress of new kittens/losing Lulu) and his blood sugar was dangerously out of whack. He spent a good part of Thursday and Friday under the care of the urgent care vet and our vet, and has bounced back wonderfully. He's actually coming to like the kittens, though Taco likes Thor more than Thor likes either of them. But he's out and about more, he's more playful, he's more social. This morning I was laying in bed and I had Thor laying across my chest and Lucky across my legs, all purring. It's not a bad way to live.

They really are some wonderful babies.

Other than camp, we've done a lot of socializing this week. Had lunch guests, dinner guests, Jolie and the lovely cousin girls came up for a hang out, and then tonight after gymnastics we hung out with Lexi and Juddy, and all of the girls (including Kristen and myself) had a hand stand and cartwheel competition. I.... did not win. But I did my best!

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