Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Campfire Stories

Ellie had a really nice wrap up with her final week at day camp. They had a farewell ceremony on Friday where they invited the parents to come and hear all of the songs and say goodbye to everyone. They said everyone was also going to get an award, and I was a-feared that it would be one of those ceremonies while you listen to EVERY kid get an award and try not to whistle at them to hurry it up because you don't care about everyone's special darling, but thankfully, awards were written down and awarded afterwards, so we could privately coo over how sweet and amazing our girls are.

Also thankfully, it wasn't too hot and we were in the shade, with a breeze. As you can see, Adam found a spot next to his sister, while Ellie has her death grip on her forever bestie. She tried telling us that she loves Lexi more than her parents, and Lexi was like "I still like my parents best." Which, correct answer, I knew Lexi was my favorite daughter.

Because then after two weeks of solid camp, Kristen graciously allowed the kids to sleep over on Friday night, so in total, Ellie and Lexi spent two whole days together. Saturday instead of just picking up our kids, we spent basically the whole day in their pool. That's friendship for all!

This week the kids are doing an afternoon art camp through the YMCA, which is great for all. We go to the Y in the morning so I can work out, then have lunch and fart around, and then they get three hours of art-ing and I get three hours to relax or get work done. Note to self: put both kids in the same camp during the earlier part of the summer, to save on sanity. It's also awesome to be at the Y where everybody knows our names. It's funny - yesterday when we arrived, the director took Lamby from Adam and showed me that she'd put him in a cabinet. I grabbed him on our way out at 5, but then poor Miss Elizabeth told me she woke up in the middle of the night last night panicked that we hadn't picked up Lamby and that Adam was also lying awake in a panic. No worries, we have many lambs! And as I've been telling Adam, when kindergarten comes, Lamby's going to have to learn to live in the house, like the animal he is.

"Yes, hello, I heard you are looking for wild animals? I have made a fort."

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