Thursday, August 3, 2017

Week at the Y.

This week in keeping everyone entertained, I had everyone signed up for camps at the YMCA. So now we basically live there, because Adam's discovery camp is 9-12 and Ellie's art camp is 1-4. That is bad planning on my part, because while they're having fun I feel like I'm constantly on a deadline to pick someone up or drop someone off, and the hour in between can be tough. We've brought lunch in and ate in the lounge area at the Y, and today we went out, which was fun. The camps are definitely not as intense as oceanography camp, but they're having a good time (and the price is right.)

Plus, while we're living at the Y, I have my morning work out classes, Wednesday evening tap dancing, and the kids have swim lessons twice a week, though Tuesday got canceled because of storms (much crying, of course.) Today though, it's hotter than Hades with blue skies, so I look forward to beaching myself in the wading pool. And by that, I mean we always end up in the deep end while I tread water and Adam jumps on me.

Ellie's now gone two weeks without a mid-day rest (which, in the past year she hasn't always napped, but she usually falls asleep one or two days a week - more often during this summer because we've been busier) and we've pushed bedtime up a little to keep everyone sane and rested. I thought to myself, oh, when school starts we'll be back to a regular schedule, and then I remembered, she'll be a first grader! Nap time will be over! I DID IT, I MADE HER TAKE NAPS ALL THE WAY UNTIL GRADE SCHOOL! And in truth, she's a good sleeper and both kids need a lot of sleep. They get it from their parents, who fall asleep the second we hit the pillow, and could easily sleep 12 hours a night.

Tim and I celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary this week. For the first time in many years, I actually looked through all of our wedding pictures the night before, and MAN, was it a long time ago! I kept pointing to people and telling Tim "look at how young they look! Look at how young we are!" Now that I'm an actual grown up, it seems wild that people actually threw a party to let two idiots in their very early twenties pledge their lives to each other. JOKES ON YOU, PARENTALS! Really, the joke is on poor Tim. Mimi and Poppy took the kids overnight for us on our anniversary, so we could go out and about - we went and saw Wonder Woman, went out to our favorite restaurant, and then went for a walk on the beach where I lost one of my favorite bracelets and fell on a rock and took a sizable chunk out of my foot. Thus proving that romance is best saved for the young folks.

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