Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas Catch Up!

 Another make shift holiday in a goofy year, that turned out to be better than expected, or as least as good as it gets. We missed out on a lot of parties, and we definitely missed SO MANY of our people, but our little foursome had a good time. 

We went down to Dana Point to check out the harbor lights with Auntie Sara

We celebrated Hanukkah with our friends Lauren and Jonathan and their girls

We gave Poppy a drive by birthday parade

We made and decorated gingerbread cut outs, including the traditional holiday favorites of coyote, unicorn, ax, hammer and squirrel

Christmas morning was super chill, since we weren't hosting brunch. The kids got up at a reasonable hour and we headed out to let them go through their stockings first. Their big present from Santa was for both of them - the much desired Nintendo Switch that mom and dad have been refusing to buy. So now they think Santa is even more magical than before!

And you know, it's been fun. Santa also brought Mario Kart and Just Dance 2021, which we can all play together. And because the Switch is super portable, we were able to bring it over to dance and play with Auntie Sara, who once nearly wept with joy when she received a Nintendo Wii back in the day. 

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