Saturday, November 25, 2017


We've had a fairly low-key Thanksgiving around here, lots of eating, lots of family, lots of staying up late and a few good naps around this place.

There weren't a ton of little cousins at Mimi's this year, but the kids got along okay. Big cousin Aribeth was happy to organize games and play with her pipsqueak cousins, and Matthew and Andrew got conned in making many a paper airplane for Adam. It was actually pretty funny - at one point Adam walked by me and I growled at him and tickled his side, and he turned to his college-aged cousins and goes "ugh, my mom does that to me ALL THE TIME," ready to start a conversation with his elders about how uncool moms are. When I asked him if Matthew and Andrew were his buddies, he goes "no mom, they're my COUSINS." It wasn't that long ago that Tim was the big cousin and Matthew and Andrew were his little buddies (I mean, they still are, but now they're coming to him for help with coding and college classes, not paper airplane making.)

Yesterday we had dinner with our friends Adrian and Elisa. The kids spent a couple hours running through the house like animals. Their youngest son Felix is in kindergarten but only slightly larger than Adam, so the two of them took to wrestling like a couple of puppies, which was funny and cute. Ellie carried their new kitten all over the house like a baby.

Today our big fun is getting our Christmas tree and getting all of the holiday stuff set up. Ellie slept in until 8:30 this morning, but then immediately asked if it was time to set off to the nursery. Not until mommy has her coffee, kid! Jamming the tree into my car will also provide a good reason to vacuum it out afterwards - farewell Cheerio crumbs!

Finally, one last photo from We Run the City - Jake getting smoked by Adam at the end of the 5K

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