Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Meowy Christmas!

We had a great one! Well, the humans did at least...

(Thor, Lucky, Taco and Yogi Bear)

There's also this guy too:

We had a good, family-filled holiday. The kids loved opening their presents on Christmas Eve and it actually lasted longer than 15 seconds. It's always funny to see what they love - Adam opened a single matchbox car first, and acted like he'd hit the lottery, yelling "WHAT THE HECK? I DON'T LIKE IT, I LOVE IT!" Ellie's favorite present was a notebook for journaling. And they both appreciated that the Thiel cats bought them some new breath mints.

Christmas morning Ellie was thrilled to receive a stuffed animal that looked like Lulu, and a locket with a picture of her and Lulu inside, just like she asked for. She also told me though, that Santa didn't bring her anything she wanted (this was immediately following when I wouldn't let her take over Adam's newest presents.) She did however, like her embroidery kit, and is working on her handicrafts with me.

We had a really nice brunch with our grandparents - everyone was SUPER thrilled with their toys from Mimi and Poppy, and after nap time, we had a wonderful evening with the Ford Hoard. Thanks to all of the family members who were willing to play walkie talkies with Adam and his sub-par walkie talkie skills, especially his "big friend" Matthew (which is upgraded from Thanksgiving, when Adam said "he's not my friend, he's my cousin.")

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