Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Kidney Girls.

It's been a long month or so dealing with kidney issues around here. A few weeks ago Lulu was so skinny and listless that we feared her time had come. Thankfully, after a day full of fluids at the vet, a new diet of kidney-friendly food (sadly, it's low in protein, which is completely the opposite of Thor's all protein diabetes diet) and an appetite increasing antidepressant, she's bounced back quite well. At her two week return visit, all of her blood numbers were better. So, I have narrowly avoided having to be a true adult and deal with making the choice about putting a pet to sleep.

In the meanwhile, I've been worrying about Ellie's kidneys. She's had a series of UTIs this year, and because she's small and doesn't recognize the symptoms as quickly as an adult would, she ends up going down for the count and even missing school, because she's running a 102 fever and miserable. Her doctor recommended we do a medical procedure called a VCUG, where they basically fill up her bladder with contrast and do x-rays as she voids, to see if any urine is backing up to her kidneys, or otherwise being problematic. I had it done as a kid, and it's pretty hard on a little, so I was relieved when they said now, with a kid her age, they put them under. Then immediately started freaking out about the risk of putting a child under anesthesia (which I realize are minimal.) Well, we went into the hospital at 6:30 on Monday morning to get it done, and it went better than I expected. Everyone we came in contact with was so wonderful and kind. The hospital has a child life specialist whose sole responsibility is making sure your child is comfortable. She had a little doll in a hospital gown with all of the wires and tubes that Ellie was wearing, she helped me explain the procedure, and she stayed with us the entire time.

The actual procedure was incredibly quick, less than 20 minutes, and when Ellie woke up she didn't remember a thing, and was plowing a popsicle as soon as they'd let her. We were home by 10am!
The best news is that we've already heard back, and there's nothing abnormal on the VCUG, so nothing wrong with her kidneys or bladder. I will still need to talk with her doc about what we do from here, other than being diligent about wiping and washing and staying hydrated, but it's a relief to have it behind us. I was so proud of her in the hospital. She was so funny and sweet to everyone - she told them she's going to grow up and be the American Ninja Warrior, she joked that she doesn't like having a little brother, and when the nurse was asking me about medical history and brought up diabetes, she piped up "Thor has diabetes!" and I had to explain that he's a cat, adopted, no blood relation. I felt so very proud to be the mom of such a fantastic little lady.

Proud of this little goofball rock star too. It's finally cooling off around here, so yesterday he wore his new back to school outfit from Mimi. Told me the pants are like fireman pants because of the stripes around the bottom (was mad that they were falling down on him, was also reluctant to let me tighten the draw string for him) and he calls his sweatshirt a jacket, but he certainly loved stuff it full of stuff during our nature walk yesterday. He was so funny, asking me if I wanted to kick rocks with him. Sure kid, why not!

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