Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hey School Girl in the Second Row!

ooh-baa-baa-lochey-baa, you're mine!

Well, here we are, the end of summer and actual back to school time. Who would have thought it? Because of October birthday, Ellie can't start regular kindergarten, but instead is registered for transitional kindergarten, offered through the public schools. Monday I had our parent information meeting and got to meet her teacher, and it was great! She's going to be going on the early schedule (upside, she'll be home for lunch. Downside, the days of sleeping in until 8:30 are OVER) five days a week. Her teacher is in her sixties and has been teaching TK since they first offered it four years ago. She's also a trained reading specialist and fairly forthright, which reminded me of Grandma Rosie. I think she'll be a really good fit as Ellie's teacher.

I have already joined the PTA (no volunteering, but the money I spent on joining goes back into the classroom, so why not) and I bought Ellie a school shirt for spirit day. She of course, began crying and saying she would NEVER wear it. Okay then! We'll see how you feel when everyone else is wearing their shirt on spirit Friday.

This morning Ellie had her introduction to Mrs. G and a brief evaluation. From what was said at the parent meeting, I knew Ellie would nail it. She was happy to go over her letter and numbers and talk all about her life. When asked who lives in her house, Ellie goes "well, I have two cats, Lulu and Thory." Yes, definitely mention the important family members first. She said her favorite food is spaghetti (not true) and her favorite game is Mario, because then she can play with her dad. It was really cute and funny to listen to her answers while I filled out paperwork. I was very proud of how friendly and outgoing Ellie was - as much as she's whined, I think the transition is going to be fairly smooth. She's smart, she's used to a school environment, and her classroom and teacher are great. Monday is the big day! And afterwards, the PTA is hosting a boohoo/woohoo drop off coffee, so perhaps I will go and be friendly to some other parents. Or just scowl, hard to tell.

I think Adam is going to be sad to miss his sister friend every day during the week, but Kristen and I are looking into activities for the boys, now that things are beginning to settle down. Poor second children, only allowed to tag along thus far, no actual fun activities of their own! I don't plan on starting Adam in preschool fall 2016, when he'll be three and potty trained. This year between Tuesdays with Mimi, MOPS on Fridays (I'm on the leadership team! Smiling, not scowling!) and Wednesday with Juddy, he'll be able to keep busy. And keep me busy too!

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