Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's official. I am about to become the crazy athlete mom. We, like many others, have been obsessively watching the Olympics. The other night when they were talking about 17 year old Missy Franklin, the new swimming phenom, all I could think was "that will be Elizabeth someday." Not as in "maybe that will be my daughter," or "perhaps Ellie will grow up to love swimming," but "my daughter is going to grow up and win a gold medal because she is THE BEST SWIMMING TODDLER IN THE WORLD." It's sick, I realize.

Still, we had a great time at swimming today. She continues to have no fear jumping off the step to me. I keep telling her to kick her feet, because if she did, she might ACTUALLY be propelling herself through the water, i.e. swimming. She also loves to tell me to let her go, which I do. It's hilarious to watch the other moms basically poop in the pool at the sight of Ellie going down down down. She comes up smiling and begging me to do it again.

The best is that today, for the first time, she floated on her back ON HER OWN. Mr. Shane had his hand near her, but not on her. He was almost as proud as she was - she made that poor man WORK for it. She probably spent a good 6 months scha-REAMING any time he put her on her back. One lesson, he made her lay on the mat and cry for 10 entire minutes until she calmed down, did what he asked of her, and floated quietly. And now, it's all paying off.

Missy Franklin, we're coming for you! Elizabeth Ford, gold medalist, 2030!

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