Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Busy Day!

The sun was shining this morning and the sky was painfully blue, which meant that Ellie and I were out the door at 8:30 for nearly two hours of walking with Keri and her sons. Since it's supposed to rain for the rest of the week, we had to take advantage. And the creek trail is so nice that it's easy to stroll it more than once. Towards the end, a certain Miss woke up and freaked out, so I strapped her into the Baby Bjorn and carried her the rest of the way home. Thank you, Baby Bjorn. Thank you mom, for buying me a gently used Baby Bjorn.

Then it was off to lunch with the mommy girls. Since there only three of us, they sat us at a booth inside, which made me nervous lest my small animal start growling and screaming. She was actually really good though! She's finally gotten to the point where she'll sit happily in my lap for a period of time, versus a month ago where I had to stand and rock back and forth and pat her butt until she passed out. So, she was sitting in my lap while I bounced my leg and then suddenly her head just slumped onto my hand. The girls confirmed the truth - she had fallen asleep.

AND THEN (because it gets more fun) we had a visit from my friend Megan and her 10 month old son Wesley, who are in town from Minnesota, for a wedding. Megan is a professional photographer and we did a little impromptu photo session with Elizabeth and I. Highlights include trying to prop Ellie up in the grass in the backyard and having her totally take a digger right onto her face (mother of the year award for not catching her in time) and having Wesley and Ellie snuggle on the couch until Wesley poked her in the face. Wesley's just learning how to walk and went straight after Lulu, who tolerated him pretty well (I think because she's now used to Ellie giving her excellent pets.)

We met up with Megan's husband Nathan and some of their friends at El Maguey. The Minnesotans enjoyed the delicious Mexican food, and Tim and I were happy to eat it as well. Elizabeth refused to nap during dinner, but was still pretty well behaved. And when we got home she ate for about fifteen minutes and then flat out passed out. No fussing, no fighting. Poor wee thing. Get some rest!

Here is another video, showcasing the new sounds she loves making:

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